Synergy Weight Management Kit
... Provides an effective exercise protocol helping increase fitness, general body strength, balance, and strength through a three series progressive rehabilitation program. Synergy program addresses weight bearing exercises, resistance training, and specific exercises to enhance kinesthetic sense, improving health & fitness, muscle strength, general balances.
Sugg. Retail: $99.95 / Online Price: $79.95
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Synergy Weight Management Kit includes:
Synergy Weight Management Tracking Chart ... Includes a Practitioner’s Protocol Check-Off List and a Progress Tracking Chart specific for resistance training.
Synergy Weight Management Exercise DVD
... Three progressive routines in actual time, allowing one to exercise right along with the program, loaded with educational & motivational support. Assisted & active stretches to gain pain free range of motion and progressive strengthening exercises specifically for improving overall health & fitness, metabolism, building muscle, balance, and reaction time.
Synergy Weight Management Wall Chart
... Oversized colorful wall chart offers a three progressive exercise phases targeting balance and developing bone and functional muscle strength.
Synergy Total Body Trainer
... Provides excellent function and comfort with its ultra dense cushions. Designed to easily address closed chain resistance training, for improved muscle tone, better balance, agility. Easily & efficiently exercise the entire body .
Available in *Medium (Female), *Heavy (Male), XHeavy or XXHeavy resistance (*most common).
Available in two styles:
- with Cushion Harness for comfort around the waist, knee
- with Strap Harness for easy handling in group setting, easy to switch between exercises
OPTIONAL ITEM: Add Synergy EasyAdjust™ Home Station to create a complete home gym. Allows for changing from exercise to exercise quickly & easily for maximum strengthening & cardio benefits! Now, MAXIMIZE YOUR CIRCUIT TRAINING! adjust mounting height quickly & easily without opening or closing doors.
15% Discount with any kit order!
Use Coupon Code: EasyKit