Synergy Hip Exercise Protocols
Stretches to increase mobility and improves circulation to the pelvis region, targeting the Quadriceps and Hamstrings. The strengthening program stabilizes and strengthens the hip improving weight bearing and imroving function to the hip. Targeted muscles include" Abductors, Adductors, Flexors, and Extenders.

Synergy Hip Exercise Kit
The hip depends upon healthy ligaments, tendons & muscles for proper function. Synergy targeted exercises promote a healthy hip, improving mobility to the pelvis region.
Sugg. Retail: $99.95 / Online Price: $79.95
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Synergy Hip Exercise Home Kit includes:
Synergy Hip Exercise Tracking Chart
... Includes a Practitioner’s Protocol Check-Off List and a Progress Tracking Chart specific for Hip exercise.
Synergy Hip Exercise DVD ... A 30 minute Video in actual time covering stretching and improving function to the hip through strengthening exercises. Also, improves stabilization to the hip with specific weight bearing exercises using the Synergy Variable Device.
Synergy Hip Wall Exercise Chart ... Oversized 18" x 26" colorful wall chart offers stretches, specific non-weighted, gentle strengthening exercises, and isotonic exercises with the Synergy Variable Device.
Synergy Variable Device ... Durable exercise product cushioned for comfort and function. Designed to easily mount around ankle, creating resistance in all directions quickly, effortlessly, and comfortably. Available in Light, *Medium, Heavy, XHeavy or XXHeavy resistances (*most common).